7 things that make you happy from within

First work with your inner self, and spread it to your surrounding- As they say, 'Charity begins at home', home implies to your inner self and charity is spreading happiness; well, as far as this blog is concerned. You actually can't make others happy if you are not happy enough.

Yes, following your dream comes in the forefront in this context, but before that there are certain things we also should consider foremost, that we often come to ignore in the long run. 

1. Allocate some time for yourself
Being sociable and making time for others is virtuous; but it is equally important that you allocate some time for yourself. Assign a day once a week, well, if not possible then a half day.
This is the time to work with your hobbies and most of the things that interest you. May be you want to watch a movie, or go shopping, or take a drive (you may include others as well but let that day be totally yours). It will make you satisfied from within and you are not the person who wants to regret about your life later.

2. Stay alone for at least 10 mins. of your daily routine
May be you’re too busy with your business and your ménage that you cannot think anything else, but just keep all the daily chaos aside and stay alone, or meditate for a while. What it does is, it makes you realize what is important to you or lets you focus on your goals and priorities. Maybe there are things that you have to work on, or maybe you need to remember some important things. Keep track of these things and think about necessary resolutions.
Likewise, you can also rewind how your day passed. Work on your mistakes, if any; and smile for the good things that you did on that day. You can summarize your day within these 10 mins.

3. Always keep a pen and a notebook, handy
Yes, this is the generation for tablets, laptops or, smart phones; but notebook and pen also haven’t yet lost their influence. Keeping your notebook and a pen handy is always a good idea to quickly jot down the thoughts or anything substantial you across path with.

4. Writing a diary is a good habit
A diary is your life book. It may sound childish to some but believe me, you will feel good when you come across it, years later. Read it when you get old and you'll feel you're living your past life again. It acts as a movie based in your life. C'mon! explore the writer in you. You don't have to write like a professional but simply write! When you make it a habit, your writing also does improve. Bingo!

5. The Art of Multi-tasking
It’s not that you’ve to force yourself for multi-tasking, but, just give it a try and you can succeed over it slowly. The reason I’m emphasizing on multi-tasking is because it helps to improve your skill and your intelligence. And this also works best for people who’re too engaged in their work.

6. Read Inspirational blogs
Learn from others experiences, if not yours!
There are hundreds of blogs over the internet. Most of them are based on writers’ personal experiences. These kind of blogs let you learn many things, and motivate you. Well, you don’t have to take everything personally but learn and take only the things that you think can flourish positive changes within you.

7. Health is Wealth!
Health is related to the functioning of your body. Whatever you do, whatever you think is all part of your body functions.  Simply take care of your physical well-being, so that you can take care of other things in your life. Most people neglect their health, to fulfill other materialistic wishes. Yes, this is a human behavior.. But without health, all the achievements, happiness and wealth can only be compared with ashes. Truly!

P.S. Love yourself first; so that you can love others (but it doesn’t mean you’ve to be selfish!) because, he, who is happy and satisfied can spread the same to his surroundings.


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